In a constantly changing market, using paid search unassisted or relying totally on the power of SEO will never fulfil the total potential of a brand’s online performance. Where SEO has always been effective is in its long-term viability as a low-cost acquisition model. PPC, on the other hand, offers instant gratification – the main reward of a successful integration of PPC and SEO is measured in conversion.
Use PPC to inform the viability of targeting terms for the SEO strategy. With Google continuing to encrypt referring search terms in ever greater numbers, there is no keyword level tracking available to any analytics teams, therefore PPC data is becoming the only accurate way of testing keyword conversion rates. PPC conversion data will underpin all SEO keyword research.
PPC creative is also the best way of testing click-through rates. As standard best practice is to rotate three to four pieces of creative to increase the click-through rate, the best performing is a natural fit for SEO descriptions.
If a page has a higher-than-average bounce rate, this is an alert to Google that the page is not relevant for the search term and will not only see wasted paid-for clicks but a gradually downgrading of that page’s authority. By monitoring analytics closely we can be sure to spot these issues and bring in the SEO team to improve on page factors and content.
Ryan, D., 2016. Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. Kogan Page Publishers.